Will Alsop, 70: British architect’s ‘flying tabletop’ changed Toronto | The Star
Will Alsop, 70: British architect’s ‘flying tabletop’ changed Toronto | The Star.
Though often dismissed as lacking seriousness, especially by other architects, [Alsop] took the view that all aspects of life should be informed by the pleasure principle. If people aren’t engaged by a building, they tend to ignore or avoid it when possible.
What would it be like if information architecture brought a similar kind of pleasure to online experiences? As IAs, we’re often constrained by the need to be efficient and practical. But what would a truly delightful IA project look like? Would our designs be more engaging if they displayed a bit of (usable) whimsey?
Much better opening period for the Lightning. They had jump, they were winning puck battles, and they were shooting the puck. They’re not dominating the Caps by any means, but they’ve definitely established their game. And they got a couple of lucky breaks, which never hurts. 🏒
This was one of my projects for the weekend, along with putting in my application for the local tool library, researching Kreg jigs and joinery techniques, and poring through Charles Rennie Mackintosh books. Not pretty, but super helpful in thinking through this project.

Well, that was a disappointing game. Shades of the series with Boston. The good news is that Tampa doesn’t usually have two bad games in a row. There were some positive signs in the third period. Hopefully they can regroup and take the next one. 🏒
So excited for the start of the Tampa / Washington series. Let’s go, Bolts! I want to see physical play, high tempo, lots of shots. Let’s get this one! 🏒
Boom! The Bolts get a victory in Tampa and a convincing series win to advance. The Bruins were a team that scared me coming into the playoffs. Nice to have them at our backs. (Especially Marchand, amirite?) 🏒
Familiar and inspiring
We went to see the playFamiliar by Danai Gurira, last night at Seattle Rep. (Very good play and production; emotional, funny, cathartic.) At the end of the show, they played a song I recognized but couldn’t quite place, so I SoundHounded it. Turns out it was Emabhaceni by Miriam Makeba, which I knew from the Northern Exposure soundtrack. Curiousity about the artist led me to this Wikipedia page about Makeba, and she sounds phenomenal.
Born in South Africa in 1932; endured untold hardship at an early age; survived an abusive marriage, breast cancer, and cervical cancer; became an international music star; married Hugh Masakela and Stokely Carmichael (at different times, natch); protege of Harry Belafonte; recorded with Belafonte, Nina Simone, and Dizzy Gillespie; UN goodwill ambassador and civil rights activist; died on stage in 2008. What a remarkable, rich life.
So, two things:
- Ain’t the modern age marvelous? Technology enabled a chain of exploration that satisfied my curiosity, enhanced my recall, and led me to an unexpectedly delightful discovery. And this happens all the time, and we take it for granted. Every once in a while it’s nice to acknowledge what marvels we have access to.
- There are so many great life stories to be discovered; I’m inspired by Miriam Makeba’s. Who inspires you?
P.S. Danai Gurira, playwright of Familiar and several other successful plays, is also a kick-ass human with an interesting background. Not only is she an award-winning playwright, she’s an accomplished actress. You may know her as Michone from The Walking Dead or Okoye from Black Panther.
Now, that’s more like it! Two straight wins, two good, physical games where the Lightning shut down the Bruins’ top scoring line and controlled the flow. If they can keep this up, they have a real shot at the cup… especially if the Stamkos line starts producing. Go, Bolts! 🏒
Well, that was ugly. It’s way too early to count the Bolts out of this series, but that game didn’t give me a lot of confidence, I was concerned about how the Lightning would play against the more physical teams like Boston. Hope they figure out how to answer in Game 2. 🏒
Boy… you gotta respect the Penguins during the playoffs. They’re so talented and they make you pay for every mistake. The Flyers gave them a good fight, though. 🏒
Way to go, Lightning! 4 wins down, 12 to go.
This series was never really in doubt. Next series (likely against Boston) will be the real test. If Tampa can keep up the physical play, they’ll have a real shot at the cup this year. 🏒
I came within an inch of changing my task management system. But then I hit on a new organization and prioritization method that I like a lot better. Now, instead of feeling stuck and overwhelmed, I’m energized to enter new tasks and review the old ones. Funny that.
Note to self: Enterprise rental car shuttles run every 10 minutes at LAX. They do not necessarily stop every 10 minutes. Sometimes they keep running right by the waiting area. Avis and Hertz buses stop every few minutes. Plan accordingly.
ias18 is like a movable feast. I can drift from person to person and have equally exquisite and geeky conversations about deeply weedy stuff. Quite a few half-formed ideas snapped into place this week thanks to the dialogs I’ve shared with old and new friends. Thanks, all.
Dan Zollman and his awesome nonsense poster at #ias18.

Capped off the first day of #IAS18 by having dinner at Mercat a la Planxa with our first cohort of IA Summit Student Scholars. The food was outstanding, and we couldn’t have asked for a better group to share it with. What a great night.
Just landed in Chicago. Now starts the final prep for #IAS18. Keeping my fingers crossed for folks on the east coast that their travel won’t be disrupted this week.
That feeling when...
From my theatre days, I know the different kinds of feelings you can get before opening a show. Sometimes you know nothing is quite working and the show is going to flop. (And sometimes you’re wrong, which is nice.) Sometimes you’re oblivious to the flaws in the thing you’re working on, but you know something’s not quite right. And sometimes, you feel like everything is clicking. Sometimes you just know: this is going to be a good one.
I feel the same nervous/excited energy about IA Summit that I felt before a good show.
The work is done (or nearly so), we’ve planned as much as we can plan, and all we can do now is open the house, do our best, and adapt as necessary. I really can’t wait for Wednesday to come so that we can get this show on the road.
It’s a good morning. I’ve got my cup of tea, the cats are lounging in the sunshine, I’m working on lA Summit stuff on the computer, and there’s Lightning hockey on the TV. Bliss.
I’m just dipping my toes into Letterboxd for keeping my ratings and watchlists, but I’m not totally convinced I want to switch. For those of you who are using it, what’s the advantage over IMDb?