Also, “pinky finger” is from the Dutch word “pink” for “little finger”.

Thumb is from “tum”, a Proto-Indo-European word “for ‘swelling’ (cf ‘tumour’ and ‘thigh’) since the thumb is the stoutest of the fingers.”

Thus endeth the etymology-of-finger-names lesson for today.

Apropos of absolutely nothing, I woke up today with this question on my mind: Why is it called an “index finger”? (Turns out, it’s from the Latin for “pointing finger”; same source as “indicate”.)

Good to know I’m tackling the really big questions in my dreams.

Finished reading: How To Write Groundhog Day by Danny Rubin 📚

» More Seattle Snow a-comin'

Light snow will start between 4 PM and 7 PM today.  Light, powdery snow will fall on a cold surface, so melting will be minimal.  With salt, plowing, and a bit of attention, local department of transportations should be able to ensure the main roads are in good shape by commute time tomorrow.  Here at the UW, many of the roads are icy and some buildings don’t have cleared paths–attention will be needed to make it ready for tomorrow.

But all this is a warm up for the real-threat tomorrow.

» “A Modest Snow Event Later Today; A Potentially Major Event Later Tomorrow (But Substantial Uncertainty)” on Cliff Mass Weather and Climate Blog

This is bonkers. It just doesn’t snow like this in Seattle.

The main roads were in pretty good shape when we walked the neighborhood earlier, but all the side streets are snowy with an icy layer underneath. If you go anywhere in Seattle, you need to either go up a hill or down a hill, or probably both, and a lot of the hills are icy or slushy. I’m not chancing a drive to work tomorrow, and it looks like that might be the right move this whole week. Oy.

I’ve decided to fully transfer my two main sites to I’ve enjoyed WordPress, but I’m getting tired of keeping up with the updates and overhead. I really like the simplicity of m.b. I’m still struggling a bit with customizing themes, but I’ll figure it out eventually.

North Seattle Snowfall

We’ve gotten about 6 inches of snowfall so far here in northeast Seattle. It’s unusual for this city to get that much snow at once, and even more unusual for it to stick around for more than a day or two. We’re enjoying it now, as it’s beautiful and peaceful and we’ve laid in supplies for the next few days. A good excuse to snuggle under a blanket and read a bit.

It sure is lovely when it snows in Seattle. BB0E0900-E670-4D86-A1C5-F8BCA9D1C4EB.jpg

Connecting flight was canceled after 4 hours. Gotta say, though: Delta is crushing the service design. I got updates on all schedule changes, automatically rebooked on the next flight and notified immediately, and even got a notice my bag had been loaded on the new flight. Nice!

Of all the weeks to travel to Michigan, I had to pick the coldest one in 20 years. I’m waiting for my connection to Grand Rapids, and even the DTW terminal is freezing!

The Dangers of Overpersonalization

Personalization isn’t very personal. In a nutshell…

(1) users see the same type of content again and again, with little chance of expanding their horizons and interests; (2) companies get fewer opportunities to learn about their users.

🎬**Crazy Rich Asians (2018) - IMDb** Fun romcom with great characters and performances. We enjoyed this one from beginning to end.

Rating: 7/10

Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) - IMDb Great: Rami Malek’s performance, Queen’s music, and the excuse to watch a ton of Freddy Mercury videos on YouTube. (Dude could sing.) Meh: Predictable dialog and plot points. Feels like a biopic made from a checklist.

Rating: 6/10

We took what will probably be our last drive on the Alaskan Way Viaduct before they start tearing it down. I will not miss praying there’s not an earthquake while I’m on it, but I will miss the gorgeous view of the city on one side and the mountains and sound on the other.

Hockey is coming (back) to Seattle!

Today, the National Hockey League's Board of Governors voted to approve Seattle as the 32nd NHL Franchise for the 2021-22 season. -NHL SEATTLE

Hot damn! It's about time. It's going to be a long three years...

Finished reading: Lethal White by Robert Galbraith 📚

So, we were just going to start looking for a new cat to keep our other cat company. And we were definitely not going to get a kitten. And it needed to be a boy. And we definitely weren’t going to get one before Thursday so we could be home with them.

So… guess what we did?

Steve Yzerman steps down in Tampa, fueling speculation of him landing in Seattle

This is mere speculation, but I completely condone it. As much as I hate the thought of Yzerman leaving my beloved Bolts, the prospect of him as Seattle’s GM would be very exciting. 🏒

The cashier at Trader Joe’s said to me, “You’re a very organized shopper.” Made my flippin’ day.

Finished reading: Vacationland by John Hodgman 📚

Okay, now I’m getting excited for our trip to Ireland. Just booked tickets for the Guinness Storehouse and tour. There’s a theatre festival while we’re in town. We’re narrowing down details of our driving tour. Oh, and I’ll be at EuroIA for three days while we’re there. Bliss.