Got a decent view of the stage for the Seattle Kraken expansion draft announcement. And just found out that the draft list was leaked. I’ll try to act surprised.

Passed by Lady Liberty on our Circle Line Cruise yesterday and she said to tell you all “Happy Independence Day!”

Finished reading: Killing Floor (Jack Reacher, No. 1) by Lee Child 📚

Finished reading: The Quiet Boy by Ben H. Winters 📚 I didn’t quite buy a couple of critical story hooks, but found myself engrossed nevertheless. The main character’s choices lead him into a slow-motion car wreck that’s hard to look away from. ⭐⭐⭐1/2

Finished reading: All the Ugly and Wonderful Things: A Novel by Bryn Greenwood 📚 A remarkable book. Challenging, sweet, disturbing, romantic, and heartbreaking. I couldn’t put it down. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Many years ago, I was an Improvisor at SAK Comedy Lab in Orlando. Several of my friends are still there, and I have thought about them often during Covid. Great article in Vox about how they’re coping:

How do you put on a comedy show when laughter is a risk?

Well, this is a beautiful sight. Dropped in the replacement power supply and the MK3S is in business! Just needed a few tweaks to get the filament to stick, but now it’s cranking out prints pretty well. It’s faster and a lot quieter than the MK2S. A very worthwhile upgrade.

Great article by a medical expert on the use cases (not many) and accuracy (pretty good, under some circumstances) of the blood oxygen sensor in the new Apple Watch.

The Paramedic’s Guide to Blood Oxygen and the Apple Watch Series 6 - TidBITS

Nearly there. Electronics are all hooked up, wires are managed, initial checks check out. Now to see if it actually works…

Heat bed and power supply are installed. My able assistant is taking a nap in the background.

Holy moly… 65 steps later, and the extruded is assembled. Eight Haribo consumed. (Plus a bonus Haribo at the half-way point.) Everything’s looking good so far.

Z-Axis assembly complete! We’re cookin’ with gas now.

The Prusa MK3S upgrade kit comes with a pack of Haribo gummy bears, to be eaten in proscribed amounts at the end of each assembly step. Finishing the X-Axis is relatively easy, so only four Haribo this round.

The upgrade of the Prusa MK2S to the MK3S has begun. Y-Axis assembly is complete. The manual said it should take 2 hours; it took more like 5. But who’s counting? It’s a fun diversion, akin to putting together a really complicated Lego set.

Do not throw away your shot:…

Cherry blossoms!? More like cheery blossoms, amirite?

🏒🎬 While I wait for the world to return to normal and for the NHL season to return, this documentary about the history of black hockey players helps fill the void. Interesting, enlightening, and inspiring. Top shelf. Soul on Ice: Past, Present & Future on Amazon Prime Video

An answer to one of life’s little mysteries: Why do the British drive on the left? – The Straight Dope

Sweet Pea LOVES when it’s time to make the bed.

The ceiling of the Great Court at the British Museum.