★ 14/01/2018, 20:43
Found a really weird bug in the “Post to WordPress” action in Workflow. If I try to post to my blog with a particular workflow, I end up blocked from accessing any website on my server from any device on the network. Don’t even know how to start troubleshooting that one.
★ Lady Bird
Lady Bird (2017)
At turns warm, heartbreaking, cringe-inducing, sweet, and really funny. The acting is great from top to bottom. Liked this one a lot. Rating: 8/10

Are you a UX professional in the Seattle area? You need to know about this spiffy new resource for finding events, groups, freelancers, education, and more: UX Seattle
★ Glasgow School of Art coming back bit by bit
The 2014 fire in the Glasgow School of Art was devastating, physically and spiritually. It’s heartwarming to see pieces of the school starting to be restored.
Images from The Herald
★ 02/01/2018, 00:33
I watched App: The Human Story on the plane back home yesterday. I really liked it. It’s a thoughtful movie with beautiful photography. I noticed that it needs a few more ratings on IMDb. Hint, hint. www.imdb.com/title/tt7…
★ 27/12/2017, 18:20
Doc Searls has been telling us for over a decade that “ free customers are more valuable than captive ones”. He’s on the cusp of proving his point.
2018: When Customers Finally Take Charge – ProjectVRM
This is big.
★ 25/12/2017, 10:01
We have a about an inch or so of snow outside. First white Christmas that I can remember in Seattle for many years. Had some friends over for dinner, with much good conversation and libations. I hope this holiday season is peaceful and happy for all of you, too.
★ 16/12/2017, 19:29
CDC banned from using 7 words, including “science-based,” in budget documents
Also banned:
- evidence-based
- vulnerable
- entitlement
- diversity
- transgender
- fetus
Fuck me.
★ 05/12/2017, 19:40
With the city council approving a deal to renovate Key Arena, it looks like a very real possibility that Seattle will get an NHL team in the next couple of years. The chance to see pro hockey again on a regular basis is really exciting.
★ 26/11/2017, 11:22
Futuro house at Marché aux Puces, Paris’s biggest flea market. The stuff I can afford here I don’t like; and the stuff I like, I really can’t afford.

★ 19/11/2017, 20:17
Did I mention that I can’t get the songs from Hamilton out of my head? Saw it weeks ago and it’s still resonating. I want to go again.
★ 19/11/2017, 04:09
I’m really looking forward to vacation, but every time I get ready for a trip I can’t help but feel like staying home and not working would also be great.
★ 18/11/2017, 01:28
@douglane Thanks so much for putting together the photo challenge. I’ve been inspired to see if I can get my Daily Blogger pin. 7 days down…
★ 14/11/2017, 23:01
Micro.blog Photo Challenge Day 4: Up Close. There’s nothing more calming than a cat fast asleep on your lap.

★ 14/11/2017, 18:02
With my vacation starting in a few days, Andy Weir’s new book, Artemis, couldn’t have dropped at a better time. It’s already loaded on my iPad and ready to roll. Might have to re-read The Martian again, too, just for fun.
★ 14/11/2017, 01:23
Micro.blog Photo Challenge Day 3: On the move. Major wind storm today in Seattle. Everything that isn’t nailed down is moving around.