Auto-generated description: A vintage elevator control panel with floor buttons labeled 1 to 4 and G is seen against an orange-colored wall or door.I just came across some notes I took at this year's orientation for Mid-Career MSIMers. "The Question" came up, as it inevitably does in these kinds of gatherings: What is information management? Here are a few snippets I pulled from the answers back in September.

  • "The answer needs to be crafted to the person asking the question." - Mike Crandall
  • "It depends; who are you creating value for? It depends on what YOU want to do with it." - Mario Sanchez
  • "Information management is a bridge between users and technical implementers, between aspiration and reality, between what's unrealized and what's possible." -Unknown
  • "We focus on the critical social, psychological, human side of organization systems." - Bob Mason
  • "We're in the communications business, and our tools are processes as well as technology. We manage the ecology of information." - Bob Larsen
  • "I achieve results efficiently." - Jason Robertson
After a year and a half of study, lots of collaboration, life changes, maturing (a little bit), and a fair bit of rumination on the subject, what are your answers today to that question? What's your elevator pitch these days for information management?

Originally posted at MSIM 2011